MLS has its own language.
We speak it fluently.
MLS Organizations are incredibly unique. They act as both Technology Service Providers and Trade Organizations, and balancing both roles is key to the success of any MLS.
Relevate for MLS is uniquely positioned to help your MLS do just that.

Relevate for MLS is purpose built for Regional and Private MLSs – those that are broker-owned or owned by a collection of shareholder associations.
With MLS-specific features and powerful data aggregation tools, Relevate for MLS can help your MLS operate more efficiently, more profitably, and with superior customer service.

Key Features
IDX Tracking
Record your participant and subscriber IDX/VOW vendors and sites. Easily keep track of sites’ compliance status and know when a site is up for review. Our IDX Tracking makes it easy to answer when a subscriber asks “With what IDX vendors does my broker already work with?”
Self-Service Subscriptions
Allow members to subscribe to additional services on their own, 24/7. When integrated with Relevate SSO, their access is provisioned instantly.
Broker Self-Service
Empower Brokers to add, edit, and drop agents at-will, with MLS Staff having as much or as little supervision as you want.
Shareholder AMS Data Sync
Easily import roster changes from your shareholder associations. Relevate for MLS can integrate with any AMS vendor to keep your MLS Roster up-to-date, relieving MLS staff from time-wasting roster management tasks.