With so many tools available to Multiple Listing Services today, it can be difficult to discern which ones really matter to your subscribers. Most vendors use proprietary metrics to measure adoption and engagement. There’s been no standardization for the benchmark metrics MLSs should use to measure whether a tool they offer is actually providing a meaningful return on investment.
In May of 2023, RESO invited Sara Fogg, Director of Product and Implementation for PrimeMLS, Mark Richburg, Relevate’s CEO, and Chris Lambrou, CIO for MetroMLS and Chair of RESO’s Internet Tracking Workgroup, to conduct a panel session (moderated by Relevate’s Dir. of Marketing, Mike Price) that reviewed real-world examples of telemetry in action with PrimeMLS and our partner at RE-Target. It’s an enlightening discussion that demonstrates how Relevate has taken the lead amongst AMS providers with an initiative critical to the future of Associations and MLSs
PrimeMLS offers a myriad of tools to support their customers with listing exposure, lead generation, transaction processing, prospecting and much more. Sara and the rest of the PrimeMLS team and Board of Directors wanted to know which tools were used most often and by whom.
Like many others, PrimeMLS is providing technology choices. Without standardized reporting or even agreed-upon requirements for reporting usage metrics with each technology partner, Sara set out to find a way to measure engagement for each of the PrimeMLS technologies objectively.
She turned to her AMS and Single Sign On (SSO) provider, Relevate, to see if there was a way to gain insight into which tools were most popular and better understand which tools were demonstrably valuable to each of PrimeMLS’s customer segments. PrimeMLS was the first organization to use Relevates new “User Telemetry” engagement analytics, serving as a beta-tester for this new feature.
With the data captured on their SSO Dashboard, PrimeMLS is now able to measure and track usage and engagement across all of their tools and services. The data delivered from the dashboard helped PrimeMLS recognize that products that are more integrated into the main workflow of a user enjoy higher adoption. They now deliver seamless integration for public records products which have measurably increased engagement. Engagement metrics can also help an MLS understand which technologies may need more promotion or more of a training focus.
Relevate delivered a suite of analytics to help Sara bring greater transparency to the PrimeMLS Technology suite and its ROI. With the Relevate’s User Telemetry, Sara has instant access to the number of total logins and unique logins and clicks on any technology accessible via a tile on PrimeMLS’s MLS dashboard.
Many of the data points are shared with PrimeMLS’s Board of Directors. The transparency with such data helps the board better understand how their budget is put to work.
“We wanted our Board of Directors to see the value that Relevate is providing with this, and to be able to see the total engagement versus the timeline,” Fogg said.
NEREN has worked with Relevate since early 2018. For PrimeMLS, Relevate meant being able to replace two technologies with one integrated system with its own dashboard, saving money and streamlining subscriber management.
“It’s great to actually have the data, where we didn’t have it previously. And it’s just nice to be able to see where it’s going to go from here because I know it’s going to get better. That’s one of the best things about working with Relevate: Once they put something in place, they always improve upon it,” Fogg said.
She appreciates Relevate’s proactive approach which is equally reactive when concerns arise. “They are phenomenal to work with. If you have an issue, they are very responsive.”
“They’re very open to hearing feedback and even constructive criticism… and very good at customizing, to make sure you’re taken care of so you can get back to the work of serving your members,” she added.
For those also struggling with measuring the adoption and engagement of their technology offerings, Fogg offers this advice: “Get in and play because you can’t break anything. The only thing you can do is uncover more intelligence about the engagement levels of the tools you offer.”
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